Dr. Gary Hammer
As a valued supporter of adrenal cancer at the University Of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center, it is our pleasure to inform you that Gary Hammer, M.D., Ph.D. was recently awarded one of The Endocrine Society’s major awards. The Edwin B. Astwood Award is an annual award that recognizes outstanding research in endocrinology.
Dr. Hammer is the Mille Schedmbeckler Professor of Adrenal Cancer, the Director of the Center for Organogenesis and the Director of the Endocrine Oncology Program at the U-M Comprehensive Cancer Center. He is also a world leader in adrenal development biology and adrenal cancer, and has become a major force in endocrinology. His work provided essential groundwork for the characterization of adrenocortical stem/progenitor cells and the importance of associated genes networks in adrenal hypoplasia and tumorigenesis.
Dr. Hammer will serve the University of Michigan Health System (UMHS) as the inaugural ambassador of the Endocrine Society’s new Ambassador Exchange Program as well. In addition, he was chosen to travel to K.E.M. Hospital in Mumbai for two weeks, along with research fellow Tobias Else, M.D. A team from Mumbai will then come to UMHS for two week in June for the second half of the exchange. Please join us in congratulating Dr. Hammer’s success. It is in large part because of donors like you.